7 need-to-know

Travel tips

Going abroad?
Here are 7 tips while traveling with Ver

1. VerSumHeima

With VerSumHeima you can talk 20 hours to and other 20 hours in all included countries, send 1000 text messages both ways and use all your included data in all included countries every month.

VerSumHeima is available in every country in Europe and Israel with all Ver-subscription. And if you have the subscription 16GB, 26GB and 46GB, VerSumHeima is also available in the US, Canada, China, Russia, Australia, Indonesia, South Korea and Thailand.

2. APN-settings

APN-settings are important when using your phone abroad. In order for the internet to work abroad multiple suppliers demand that APN is set up. For this reason make sure that APN is set up on your phone.

3. SIM-card

Our SIM-card gives you a greater experience when using your phone on foreign telecom suppliers networks, which we have agreements with.

Please call us on telephone number 808080 to find out.

4. Víðkað reiking (extended roaming)

Extended roaming means that you can use foreign telecom suppliers networks which we have roaming agreements with.

With extended roaming you can call, text and use data in all countries if you have balance on your Ver-account and/or has a purchased data package to use on your travel.

If you are traveling in countries not included in VerSumHeima, you must always have extended roaming turned on. In VerSumHeima-countries there are suppliers in certain countries who demand extended roaming being turned on. These supplies are in countries like the US, Canada, China og Russia besides certain suppliers in Europe.

5. Top-up

In countries not included in VerSumHeima you must have balance on your Ver-account in order to talk, text and use data.

Top up balance to your Ver-account or buy an extra data package buy logging on to Mítt Ver or here.

6. Turn off

Turn off your phone completely when traveling between countries.

7. +298

Always put +298 and not 00298 in front of a number when making calls from abroad to the Faroe Islands.